About Bonnie

My passion is helping students succeed in reaching their goals—specifically, as this path to success involves the subject of math. Math is an integral part of building confidence academically and ultimately developing positive self-esteem. Studies show that there is a direct correlation between success in math and self-esteem.
Math is a required subject throughout a child’s academic life, no matter what one chooses as his/her major subject area. Consequently, it is important to “keep up” with the pace and stay on course. Math is an on-going process where students build on the previous information learned. If some of those building blocks are missing, the student tends to fall behind. Therein lies the job of a tutor; to help the student fill in these gaps, to know when to tutor and when to go into teaching mode, to involve the student in the learning process, and to give positive feedback in order to foster confidence.
I have spent my entire career as a teacher and mentor. I have taught math in the high school environment, trained adults and children how to use software for personal computers, educated adults on management skills in a corporate environment, and most recently taught twelve years of math at a community college, as well as provide the online tutoring for the college. During all of these experiences I implemented techniques that enhanced the learning process and made it easier for students to learn the information. This is the expertise and passion I bring to my students today.
While in the classroom at the community college, it became very evident that many students were overwhelmed by math concepts and not prepared to do the required work. Since I’ve retired from the classroom, I continue to support online tutoring and have gone back into the public high schools and middle schools as a substitute teacher to understand the current academic landscape. What I’ve learned is that no one teacher, even with “learning specialists” in the classroom, can meet the needs of ALL students. No one is to blame for this situation; it’s the nature of the system. Yes, schools have resources available for the students who need math assistance, but many kids and young adults don’t have the maturity to seek out help. Instead, they would rather pursue the “social” alternatives.
This is why ezLearnMath has evolved… A service that helps fill “math gaps” for students, develops math confidence and ultimately produces better grades. ezLearnMath offers one-on-one tutoring in the comfort of the student’s own home (or desired location) with minimal outside influences.